Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Update: Lighting

my windowsill is still not getting any direct sunlight but the parsley and chives seem to be doing okay without. the tomato plants under the fluorescent light are doing much better than the tomato in the windowsill (which has hardly grown).

today i worked on a better setup with my fluorescent light so that i could fit more plants under it. i had to choose which plants should receive the better lighting.  i moved 1 mint and 1 romaine under the light (the other pot of mint and romaine seedling are in the windowsill).

here are the plants under the fluorescent light:

and these are the plants in my windowsill:

1 comment:

  1. We don't get any light by our windows, so we have to keep our seedlings under a grow light. It works really well for us, even though we only have one working light right now so all the seedlings are kind of crammed together haha. But it's almost time to plant them outside, yay!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I think you can start your journey to being self-sufficient wherever you are, and a garden is a fabulous place to start! That's where we started out and it just grew from there :)


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