Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Transplanted Parsley

today I decided that the parsley was ready to be transplanted. this is the first time i have done this so i hope it works. here's how it went down . . .
the parsley seedlings are several inches tall and their second set of true leaves are forming. they are also getting fairly crowded.

i filled three 3inch pots with moistened potting soil and added an all-purpose liquid fertilizer (that i diluted by half) then i dug 3 holes to the bottom of the pot.

i moistened the soil in the windowsill kit so it would be easier to wiggle out the parsley. parsley resents being transplanted, so i had to be very careful. i used the pencil to gently dig out the seedlings. i was surprised by how deep the roots were already (parsley has a tap root).

i buried the roots and pressed the soil gently around the stem to get rid of any air pockets. i also gave them a bit more water to help settle the soil.
when i was done transplanting i put the pots in my windowsill. i really hope they will get enough sunlight (i don't have enough room under my fluorescent light). they look a little droopy . . . hopefully they will perk up :D . 
and, as usual, i have a lot of questions. please see the comments on this post and let me know if you have any advice. thanks so much!


  1. i realized, as i was about to transplant my parsley, that there wasn't enough room for them under my small fluorescent light(they were getting 16 hours of light). i put them in the sunniest place i had but it does not get much direct sunlight and it's to cold to put them outside permanently. will this be too much of a change for them? should i put them outside during the day if it is warm enough?

  2. does anyone know how long it takes to see if the parsley was transplanted successfully? will it happen overnight or could it take weeks to know for sure?

  3. one of the biggest issues i have is knowing how many plants to put in a container. is three too many? two of them will be potted up to bigger pots and the other one i am giving to my dad (he'll probably pot it up himself).

  4. i left the other 6 parsley plants in the windowsill kit under the fluorescent light. is this too many plants (it is about a 4-inch square space)?


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